A Day of Togetherness: Origin's Open House Carnival

We want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for making our Open House Carnival an outstanding success! With nearly 400 attendees in total, it truly was a day to remember.

At Origin, one of our core company values is "Family First", and the Open House Carnival was a vibrant celebration of this cherished principle. It brought together our dedicated employees, cherished clients, trusted vendors, dear friends, and families for a day filled with joy, laughter, and togetherness.

The atmosphere was electric, and we couldn't have asked for better weather to enjoy hot dogs, tacos, popcorn, and cotton candy. The tantalizing aromas wafting through the air were the perfect appetizer to the delightful array of activities that awaited our guests.

Our carnival featured something for everyone, from thrilling games to delicious treats. We were delighted to give away Origin t-shirts and caps, which we hope you wear proudly as symbols of our appreciation for your unwavering support.

A highlight of the day was our raffle, which boasted over 40 fantastic prizes. The excitement in the crowd as each name was called out was palpable, and we were overjoyed to see the smiles on the faces of the lucky winners. 

However, the most heartwarming aspect of the event was undoubtedly the children's laughter and boundless enthusiasm. Their smiles were contagious, reminding us all of the importance of coming together as a community and making lasting memories with our loved ones.

Another cherished moment was the presence of our company's founder, Dave Wilson and his lovely wife Elizabeth. Their visionary leadership and unwavering dedication continue to inspire us daily. 

Once again, thank you for your continued support; it means the world to us. The success of the Open House Carnival was a testament to the strength and unity of the Origin community. It was a day when we came together, not just as colleagues and clients, but as an extended family, and we couldn't be more grateful for your involvement.

We look forward to many more moments of togetherness in the future, as we continue to build on the foundation of unity and shared values that make Origin truly exceptional.


Stand Strong, Support Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness Merchandise Inside! 


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